Exclusive Group Support Psychotherapy Course Online from beginner to expert

Exclusive Group Support Psychotherapy Course Online from beginner to expert


Her testimonial about life before and after 
Group Support Psychotherapy


(Life Before GSP) My name is Betty. I am a married person and the second born in my family with years of age born to two HIV-negative parents who happen to still be alive and kicking. I got married in 2004 and gave birth to 2 children when I was still HIV-negative I got seroconverted during the 3rd trimester of my ANC virus. I became so depressed when I realized that I was HIV positive while pregnant and my fear of disclosure to my family members affected me psychologically and physiologically. After the disclosure to my family, rumors went around and I became stigmatized and discriminated against by my family members and the community. I also started experiencing gender-based violence from my husband after I became HIV positive and this has made me fail my appointment for ART hence resulting in poor adherence and increased levels of depression and anxiety. According to the medical personnel, I have never suppressed since 2014 till November 2021 after the Group Support Psychotherapy Intervention.

(Life after GSP) Betty started visualizing and understanding the need for her own life. She also became more involved in the achievement of a positive change in her social behavior, interpersonal relationship, and the ability to demonstrate compliance with any medication or treatment plans by keeping note of the appointment days for the ART and Group Support Sessions. Her social relationship has improved with friends, family members, and community through Group Support therapy and the ability to identify 1 or 2 strength anchors to feel connected to her inner self. Finally, her involvement in the economic and productive activity (IGA) has improved her standard of living since she can meet all her basic needs by planting eggs plants, and other vegetables as well as saving in the Village Saving and Loan Association.

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