Exclusive Group Support Psychotherapy Course Online from beginner to expert

Exclusive Group Support Psychotherapy Course Online from beginner to expert

Olanya Joseph's

His testimonial about life before and after 
Group Support Psychotherapy

Olanya Joseph

(Life Before GSP) I am Olanya Joseph age 45 and I have been HIV positive ever since 2009, the same year I enrolled in the ART treatment as well as got married. I have 3 women with a total of 8 children with whom 2 children are from an HIV-positive woman. Ever since their mother was tested inthe third trimester during delivery, they have all been getting ART care services at the same facility as us. I had treatment interruptions for about 2 years from 2019-2020 and as a result of too much alcohol consumption, I had poor adherence which made me have a non-suppressed viral load for that long time. I also experienced Gender Based Violent with my women and children because I always sold all the foodstuffs in order to get money for taking alcohol.

(Life After GSP) During the GSP sessions for the parents, I was enrolled in a group in which I successfully completed all 8 sessions. After 6 months, when my viral load was repeatedly tested, the medical personnel said that the results came back suppressed, and in 12 months, I had acquired a Bull, left alcohol, and also got enough foodstuffs for all the 3 women as well as an improvement in my social relationship with friends and family members too.The most important achievements among others were the ability to leave alcohol, thorough following of appointment schedules for ART which made me very strong, gaining back trust from the family members, and also paying PTA for my children as a result of the skills I acquired from GSP.

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